The facelift is a procedure that provides a more youthful facial appearance by lifting the facial skin.


The facelift is a procedure that provides a more youthful facial appearance by lifting the facial skin. There are different types of surgical facelifts that cosmetic surgeons use. Each type has its benefits and limits.


Dr. Bedy Lau uses the Deep Plane Facelift. During his Facial Plastic Fellowship, Dr. Lau was trained at the Lasky Clinic, the cosmetic centre that pioneered the Deep Plane Facelift. The Deep Plane Facelift puts emphasis beyond the facial skin to the soft tissues underneath. In most cases, Dr. Lau combines the Deep Plane Facelift together with the neck lift (plastymaplasty) to correct the sagging neck, which compliments the facelift, proving a natural and youthful look.

The facelift procedure takes 4-6 hours to complete.


Bruising will dissipate in 5-10 days and most of the swelling will settle by 2 weeks. Residual swelling may take 2-3 months to settle but by one month, the scar and swelling will be quite inconspicuous.


Lifting the deeper tissue layers yields a much more natural look without making the face look tight. Furthermore, the result usually lasts much longer before a less involved revision is needed to upkeep the result.


Schedule a consultation with Dr. Bedy Lau to discuss the options available for your unique needs.

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